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1979年3月16日 芬兰
当前位置 - 首页 UFO图片 1970-1979
时间:2007-12-17   来源:    ufocn.com.cn   网友评论 0 条   点击查看


Three landing trace areas were found around Mr. Reijo Kolehmainen's home in February, 1979.

At 6:50 a.m. on February 2, 1979 a 2.5 meter crater was found in the snow at a distance of 5 meters from the house. The snow had melted all the way to the ground in the center of the crater. Strange red liquid, pieces of metal,and later a metallic cup were found within the crater. The red liquid smelled of vinegar. At 8:00 a.m. the police came. They photographed the area and took some samples.

Late in the evening of February 5, 1979 the Kolehmainen family heard a shooting sound. One constable later revealed he had seen a strange light phenomenon at the same time. On the following morning a bigger crater was found in the snow at a distance of 10 meters from the house. Similar things were again found. Later the police came to have a new look at the area. The police suggested that perhaps somenone had thrown a home-made bomb in the Kolehmainen yard. However, the Kolehmainens stated that nobody has any reason to throw bombs at them.

On the morning of February 21, 1979 a third landing trace area was found. This time there were three holes in the yard. Red liquid and pieces of metal were once again found in the landing trace. However, no metallic cup was found this time. There was no snow on the electric wires above the holes, but there was lots of snow on similar wires elsewhere.

The Kolehmainens didn't want any publicity, but the news leaked to the press from acquaintances. About ten articles were published by the press about the events.


On March 8, 1979 Reijo Kolehmainen traveled to Helsinki and asked his friend Jarmo Nykanen to guard the house.

In the evening on March 10, 1979 Jarmo started to make rounds around the house. Suddenly he saw a flash of light in the forest and he thought someone was watching him. Soon after midnight a bell-shaped mini-UFO appeared near the house. The UFO had a diameter of half a meter. The upper part of the UFO radiated blue light and the lower part radiated red light. First he thought he was watching the lights of a car, but then he realized he had encountered a UFO. Jarmo had> a camera with him and he had a couple of shots at the phenomenon. However, the flash didn't work.

Jarmo walked closer to the UFO and flashed his torch toward the UFO. Now the UFO ascended to an altitude of three meters and made the whole snow-covered area look red. Then the UFO disappeared into the sky. Later he found out that the photos didn't come out.

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