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1993.9.3 气象卫星照片
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时间:2007-12-18   来源:    ufocn.com.cn   网友评论 0 条   点击查看


1993.9.3  地球轨道,气象卫星照片。纽约的物理教师菲利普.j分析NOAA地球同步气象卫星发回的照片时发现了这个UFO,当时给出的解释是"月球的影子",不过后来研究者给出了其他结论,认为这个物体高度大概在95.000英尺,大小400-600英尺,轮廓以及形状不太像月球的影子。


September 03, 1993,
Earth Orbit - METEOSAT photo

In 1991, the New York State Physics teacher Philip J. Imbrogno discovered that meteorological satellites sometimes send strange images down to Earth. He published several of these images, received from the geosynchronous GOES-Satellites of NOAA, which show egg-shaped objects in the Earth Orbit. Critics immediately came up with an explanation: According to them, they were mere "moonshadows".

This explanation was maybe acceptable when the first images showed no details. But after Chilean researchers published photos of a structured saturn-shaped craft of 400-600 feet in diameter, it immediately collapsed.

Meanwhile, Italian researcher Adriano Forgione published this image, received by the Italian radio amateur Vittorio Orlando on September 3, 1993 at 6.30 p.m. from the METEOSAT weather satellite, stationed in an altitude of 95.000 feet. In the original as well as in the enlargement, a dome and a surrounding ring are clearly visible. Another moonshadow? Or indeed a "structured craft"?

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