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2004.4.8 美国 弗吉尼亚
当前位置 - 首页 UFO图片 2004
时间:2007-12-19   来源:    ufocn.com.cn   网友评论 0 条   点击查看


2004年4月8日 美国,弗吉尼亚,以南180公里处的罗阿诺克。钻石形状的UFO。


Diamond UFO Filmed in Virginia

FRANKLIN COUNTY -- Don sent me an image of a diamond shaped UFO over the countryside taken towards the Appalachian Mountains on April 8, 2004. In late afternoon, about 5:45 PM, there was a gorgeous double rainbow after a rainstorm near the Blue Ridge Parkway twenty miles south of Roanoke.

Don took five images of the rainbow in several minutes and this one contained the UFO. Neither he nor his friend saw the UFO as the pictures were made. Thanks to Don.

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